Sunday, 10 September 2017

The Cowboy

This is a video of me playing recorder for homework. Music makes my brain better. I sometimes get frustrated when I play recorder if I have to do it again and again to get it right.


  1. Hi Lion Knight, love your recorder playing. I can tell you practice over and over to get it right. Hard work pays off!

  2. Hello from Australia Lion Knight. Love your playing and love your blogging. Great job on practicing and understanding brains and music. It sure does help improve brains. In fact music therapy is used for old people and brain injured people as it's so great to make you smarter ! Keep it up

  3. Hello Lion Knight,

    I wish I found solace in music like you do. Unfortunately I'm not as gifted. Didn't feel frustrated by the journey, but embrace how music makes your brain feel....add oil young lion knight!

  4. Very lovely, keep practising and you will be a star!

  5. hello oliver this is teo nice blog. how's school?
